S103 Discovering Science Diary

Block 6

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Chemical Substances

22nd March

I actually finished this block a couple weeks ago, and have done the TMA in rough (and partly typed). I didn't enjoy the block at all and am lost in amusement at Guy Lussack and his incredibly fascinating deductions!! I've moved onto Block 7 - but don't really wish to speak about it right now .....

2nd March

I've done the first couple sections of this block. What can I say? It's chemistry!

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Block 6: Our world and its atoms. Contents

Doing chemistry
The Lyme volcano: iron pyrite
On the Bolivian frontier: sodium nitrate
The vanishing lake: sodium chloride
A first look at acids

Doing chemistry quantitatively

Does the total mass change in a chemical reaction?
Copper and copper oxide
Copper oxide from copper and nitric acid
The concept of chemical composition

Elements and compounds
A first look at chemical symbols
A first look at chemical names

The oxides of carbon
The composition of carbon dioxide
A new oxide of carbon

An atomic theory
Elements, compounds and chemical symbols: a second look
A first look at chemical formulae
A first look at chemical equations
Methane and a burning question

Getting to know gases
Atmospheric pressure
Pressure and gas volume: Boyle's law
Temperature and gas volume: Charles' law
Revisiting the particle model of a gas
The densities of gases
The eagle in the dung heap: ammonium chloride and ammonia
Gay-Lussac's law

The Italian job
Avogadro's hypothesis
The Karlsruhe conference
Cannizzaro's principle

Revisiting equation-balancing
The flame of burning hydrogen
The flame of natural gas

Relative atomic masses
Relative molecular masses
The concept of the mole
Using moles to calculate amounts of reactants and products
Moles in space
Finding chemical formulae from chemical compositions
Empirical and molecular formulae
A first look at valency

A second look at acids
Basic hydroxides and alkaline solutions

Chemical periodicity
The noble gases
The alkali metals

Atoms and electrons
A world of charge
Balanced equations containing ions
A final visit to acids and basic hydroxides

Taking the atom apart
Inot the heart of the atom
Into the atomic nucleus
How big is a zillion?
How small is an atom?